ACUDAM started testing the thermoforming procedures of first UNLOCK project samples.
The UNLOCK project focuses on valorizing the enormous amount of waste feathers generated by the European poultry sector. It aims to optimize feather conversion technologies and develops end products for agriculture, which creates a sustainable value chain and also promotes soil health and biodiversity within the circular bioeconomy. A range of agricultural products will be created, such as seedbeds and trays, mulch films, hydroponic foams.
ACUDAM’s role within the project is to conduct the manufacturing of seedbeds and forest trays by thermoforming, in order to test their biodegradability in different environments, including their validation in real-world field conditions.
The first tests are positive and confirm that the thermoforming machines can work under the needed conditions. This gives a promising direction for testing further materials that are being developed.
This project has received funding from the Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement Nº 101023306.
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