Home » New UNLOCK Podcast episode with Processum: Exploring feather treatment with steam explosion  
Monday, 17 June 2024

New UNLOCK Podcast episode with Processum: Exploring feather treatment with steam explosion  

We are excited to share the latest episode of the UNLOCK Project Podcast, brought to you by Greenovate! Europe. This episode delves into the significant contributions of Processum in the UNLOCK project, which focuses on transforming chicken feathers into bio-based plastics. 

Joining us is Jonna Almqvist, a project manager at Processum, part of the RISE Research Institutes of Sweden. Processum is renowned for its expertise in bioprocess development and plays a crucial role in refining steam explosion technology. This method is used for efficiently extracting keratin from feathers, directly supporting the UNLOCK project's aim to create bio-based plastics. 

In our interview, Jonna introduces the steam explosion technology and explains how this technology is being scaled up, including specific modifications at the biorefinery demo plant to sustainably manage larger volumes of feathers. These advancements are essential for applying this innovative process more widely. 

Click below to tune in to the episode and learn more about Processum’s role in advancing the goals of the UNLOCK project through innovative technology.