Introducing the UNLOCK project Podcast: Unlocking the potential of feathers!

We are excited to announce the UNLOCK podcast, – a podcast series that is hosted by Greenovate! Europe and aims to discover the innovative UNLOCK project. The UNLOCK project is funded by Horizon 2020 under the Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI-JU). Through the UNLOCK podcast, we aim to explore the untapped potential of poultry feathers. […]
ACUDAM has started trial production of forestry trays and seedbeds with UNLOCK materials

ACUDAM started testing the thermoforming procedures of first UNLOCK project samples. The UNLOCK project focuses on valorizing the enormous amount of waste feathers generated by the European poultry sector. It aims to optimize feather conversion technologies and develops end products for agriculture, which creates a sustainable value chain and also promotes soil health and biodiversity […]
THE UNLOCK PROJECT reaches its halfway point with the celebration of its follow-up meeting in CROATIA

In April 2023, the UNLOCK project partners met in Opatija (Croatia) for the follow-up of the project activities, two years after it started. CIDETEC Surface Engineering (Spain), coordinates the UNLOCK project that will build a demonstration plant for the treatment and recovery of feathers from poultry waste. 14 partners from 7 EU countries are working […]
Earth Day 22 April – UNLOCK’s environmental benefits

Tomorrow 22 April will be Earth Day, a time dedicated to raising awareness about environmental issues and promoting sustainable practices to protect our planet. As we reflect on the impact that human activities have on the Earth, it’s important to consider how we can shift towards more sustainable and circular economic models that minimise waste […]
CIDETEC and ACUDAM visited TECNOPACKAGING to witness the casting process with materials of the UNLOCK Project

Tecnopackaging received the visit of CIDETEC, coordinators of the UNLOCK project, as well as representatives of the company ACUDAM, who will lead the final validation of the prototypes of quilted films and seedbeds developed within the framework of the project. During the tour, CIDETEC and ACUDAM teams had the opportunity to witness in live the […]
<strong>The potential of feathers is being UNLOCKED!</strong>

The objective of the UNLOCK project is to design and demonstrate economically and environmentally sustainable supply-chains for a feather-based bioeconomy which will generate innovative functional materials for agricultural applications. Fig. 01. Plantation of broccoli using UNLOCK materials: mulch films and geotextiles. Sustainable keratin-based end-products such as forest and seed trays, mulch films, hydroponic foams […]
<strong>First reports available on feather supply and value chains</strong>

The first three public Deliverables from the UNLOCK project are now available, bringing first results to the public and stakeholders. The Deliverables, produced by Farrelly & Mitchell Consultants and available in Resources, explore feather waste availability, the feather-based economy, and feather supply chains. D2.1 – Analysis of feather waste sources and management in the EU […]
UNLOCK featured in Horticultura magazine

UNLOCK project partner, AIMPLAS, have prepared an article for the Spanish publication, Horticultura, a national magazine specialised in the horticulture sector. The article (in Spanish), ‘Development of foams for hydroponic crops, from the residues of feathers from the poultry industry‘, presents progress in UNLOCK’s hydroponic foam development. AIMPLAS is leading this development and validation with […]
Video: Discover the UNLOCK Project

The UNLOCK project is designing and demonstrateing an economically and environmentally sustainable supply-chain for a feather-based bioeconomy which will generate innovative functional materials for agricultural applications. Find out more about the project’s aims in our new project video, below! UNLOCK has received funding from the Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 […]
Supporting the EU Soil Strategy

Healthy soils are the foundation for 95% of the food we eat, host more than 25% of the world’s biodiversity, and are the largest terrestrial carbon pool on the planet. Yet, 70% of soils in the EU are not in a good condition. To combat this the European Commission has adopted a new EU Soil […]